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Wireless Digit Reader

Non-invasively read mechanical odometers and/or LED/LCD numeric indicators and wirelessly transmit the data to a PC, data acquisition or automation system
Digital displays which show total hours, pressure, temperature and other process indicators are found in virtually every facility monitoring critical instrumentation. In older buildings, local displays may be the only instrumentation available, and technicians are required to perform regular “rounds” with clipboard and pencil to log readings. It is a time consuming and error prone process.
Replacing these odometers or displays with electronic transducers or transmitters have been disruptive – requiring process shutdown, leak checks, drawings changes, and installation of cabling. A single transducer point can cost $4,000 to $6,000 installed.
Cypress Envirosystems’ Wireless Digit Reader is a non-invasive device which simply clips-on to the front face of an existing digital display to capture and transmit the reading. It installs in minutes and does not require removal of the existing equipment, breaking pressure seals, performing leak checks, running wires or interrupting the underlying process. It costs 70% less to install than a traditional transducer.
  • Non-invasive installation: no need to change existing displays, breaking seals or changing wires
  • Reads mechanical odometers and LED/LCD numeric displays and transmits data wirelessly
  • Enables low cost energy audits, equipment health monitoring, predictive maintenance
  • Reduce labor, improve uptime, save energy
  • OPC integration with existing automation systems
  • Battery life of 2+ years at typical sample rates
  • IP65/NEMA 4 rated for outdoor use

Download the Wireless Digit Reader Product Brief

WSTM Payback Calculator2 (years)

WSTM Installed Cost3:
$1000 per unit

Your Steam Cost:
per 1,000 lbs.

Inspection Frequency4:

Inspection Costs5:
per trap

Facility Uptime:

Failure Rate6:
per year

1. Orifice diameter should not be confused with pipe diameter. Consult the steam trap manufacturer if orifice size is not known.
2. Calculations are theoretical estimates and actual results will vary. Payback calculation includes avoided lost steam and inspection labor. Benefits from avoided damage resulting from blocked traps are not included in model. The formula used for steam loss in this model is: L=24.24*Pa*D2. Where L=pounds/hour, Pa=Pgauge + Patm , D=orifice diameter.
3. Actual WSTM installed cost will vary based on volume and integrator.
4. Refers to the manual inspections of steam traps that are currently being done at the facility. The frequency determines the potential avoided failure time when using the WSTM.
5. The frequency and cost of inspection determine the labor savings enabled by the WSTM.
6. The failure rate per year should be based on historical data from the facility. 15-20% failure rates per year are typical. In unmaintained facilities, the failure rate can be much higher: